InteraXon | Brain Sensing Technologies will be providing 3 Muse Brain Sensing Headbands for Robohackers to try
Get Your Bot On! thanks its corporate sponsors for their contributions to the upcoming robotics hackathon “Positronics: Robots and Brains” (November 14-16 at the Ontario Science Center). We’re very pleased to announce that InteraXon -- the Toronto-based brainwave sensing technology company -- will be lending 3 Muse brain sensing headbands to participants of “Positronic: Robots and Brains.” This is a special chance for robohackers to explore the leading edge of human robot interactive technology. Teams will be able to incorporate Muse into their robot prototypes and investigate new ways of controlling and interacting with robots. InteraXon representatives will be available on site to help teams integrate Muse into their projects.
InteraXon | Brain Sensing Technologies has been in the news a lot lately. After a successful 2012 Indiegogo campaign, which raised nearly $300,000, they’ve shipped their first prototypes to users. To learn more about InteraXon, Muse, and CEO & Co-Founder Ariel Garten see this recent article in the Globe.
Robohackers can view the Muse specifications and developer kit here.